James will discuss the difference between leading and managing change. Reviewing the theory of change, the processes and the models, James will deliver insight into how to balance that with the unknown variable – pPeople; their personalities and their feelings. He invites you to explore how common sense must prevail and sometimes you must bend the rules a little to ensure the right outcomes are achieved.
Dr. James Ring is the Global CEO of Ingenium Training & Consultancy. He has 15 years’ experience in senior leadership roles across the public, private and not for profit sectors. He is experienced in change leadership, strategy development and tactical implementation and has headed numerous transformational initiatives and developments in leadership and people coaching.
His qualifications include BSc. In Environmental Science, MBA and PhD in Analytical Chemistry.
Representing Ingenium, James demonstrates our expertise in Strategy and Change Management; our ability to work with our clients to differentiate their organisations from competitors in a unique and inimitable way.
Ingenium changes management from cognisance to sustainment using CAFOS, a proprietary process which motivates management to take a deep dive view of your organisation and it’s issues. CAFOS uses tried and tested methodological steps to explore the root causes of the particular challenge, while also assessing if leadership have the appetite to deal with the required change.
Through taking you back to examine the core causes of your issues, we can embed long-term sustainable growth for your organisation.
The 5-step process focuses time and effort in the beginning to truly understand the origin of the challenges to eradicate future manifestations. CAFOS is another one of the tools used by Ingenium to explore the heart of an organisation, to determine the genuine sources of challenges, and to establish a deliverable and actionable direction for success.
Read more about Change Management and Strategy, here.
This event is on Wednesday, 5th February, 2020 @ 7:30am in the Clayton Hotel, Lapps Quay, Cork.
All bookings are on EventBright, book your place today.